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Accept This Gift: Selections From "A Course In Miracles" (New Edition)

Since 1976, the channeled writings of "A Course in Miracles" have touched millions of readers, seekers, and students of self-development. The widely regarded spiritual and psychological scholars Frances Vaughan, Ph.D., and Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D., distilled the most poignant passages from the "Course" in their beloved volume "Accept This Gift"-now returned to print in this Tarcher Cornerstone...
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65 kr

Archetypes - a beginners guide to your inner-net

Have you ever wondered why you are drawn to certain people, ideas, or products and turned off by others? Are you constantly searching for something you can’t put your finger on, or wondering whether you are living a life that truly fits?
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140 kr

Ask and it is given - learning to manifest the law of attraction

Esther and Jerry Hicks' first book presenting the teachings of the non-physical entity Abraham has drawn an extraordinary collection of endorsements from people keen to draw attention to the message ...
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130 kr

Disappearance of the universe - straight talk about illusions, past lives,

What would you do if you were sitting quietly in your living room when two mysterious strangers appeared from out of nowhere-and then told you they were 'ascended masters' who had come to reveal some shocking secrets of existence and teach you the miraculous powers of advanced forgiveness? Would you call the cops? Call a psychiatrist?

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250 kr

Dodging Energy Vampires

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100 kr

Earth magic - ancient secrets for healing yourself and others

In "Earth Magic, " Steven Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and philosophies that have proven over millennia to help heal the spiritual causes of physical and emotional ...
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140 kr

Four insights - wisdom, power and grace of the earthkeepers

The Four Insights are the wisdom teachings that have been protected by secret societies of Earthkeepers, the medicine men and women of the Americas.
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130 kr

Heal your body - the mental causes for physical illness and the metaphysica

Heal Your Body is a fresh and easy step-by-step guide. Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find the probable cause for this health issue and the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.
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75 kr

Inside-out revolution - the only thing you need to know to change your life

Would you like to experience amazing clarity, peace and freedom, even in the midst of challenging circumstances?In this ground-breaking new book, bestselling author Michael Neill shares an extraordinary new understanding of how life works that turns traditional psychology on its head.
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100 kr

Living a life of awareness - daily meditations on the toltec path

For the first time ever, the Toltec wisdom from the Ruiz family is bound together in a book of daily meditations designed to inspire, nourish and enlighten adherents as they travel along the Toltec path. Drawing on years of apprenticeship under his father and grandmother, don Miguel Ruiz Jr shares Toltec lessons on love, faith, agreements and, most importantly, awareness.
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170 kr

Messages from water and the universe

Masaru Emoto's 15 extensive years of study on water has given him the background to discuss what water is, how it has been implicated in the creation of the universe, and why a perfect ratio of Love ...
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110 kr

New light on ascension

A Little Light on Ascension presented the information he impressed on Diana at the time, but since then, much has changed on our planet, and Kumeka has recently imparted further information. This knowledge, previously offered to just a few, is now available to millions of lightworkers eager to assist in the task of moving this planet into the light.
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75 kr

Power is within you

This inspiring book will help you have confidence and overcome the blocks, limiting beliefs, and barriers to loving yourself out of the way, so you can love yourself no matter what circumstance you happen to be going through.
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100 kr

Sara, book 1 - sara learns the secret about the law of attraction

This book offers you, the reader, a thoughtful and inspired formula for generating appreciation, happiness, and good feelings--deftly blended into the uplifting story of a plucky, inquisitive girl ...
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100 kr

Spontaneous evolution - our positive future and a way to get there from her

We’ve all heard stories of people who’ve experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from illness, but can the same thing happen for our world? According to pioneering biologist Bruce H.
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150 kr

Thank & grow rich - a 30-day experiment in shameless gratitude and unabashe

Thank & Grow Rich is for anyone interested in hooking up with the magnanimous energy field of the cosmos. Author Pam Grout, who likes to call herself the Warren Buffet of Happiness, says it all starts with getting on the frequency of joy and gratitude. Thanking (rather than thinking) puts us on an energetic frequency—a vibration—that calls in miracles.
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170 kr

The Surrender Experiment

Thought-provoking and moving, The Surrender Experiment will inspire you to seek the calm and freedom that comes from letting go.
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130 kr

What if this is heaven? - how i released my limiting beliefs and really sta

If life is about the journey and not the destination, could it be that this is heaven—this physical life we are living here on Earth? What we experience in our daily lives often feels like anything but heaven. But what if we understood how powerful we are—that we are powerful enough to mold both our internal and our external reality?
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120 kr

Blueprint for your castle in the clouds

Longing for a retreat? A safe haven where you can disappear from the world for awhile? A Blueprint for Your Castle in the Clouds is an inspirational guide that will help you lighten up your life by showing you how to design twenty-five mind expanding rooms to uncloud your thinking and create new opportunities in your life.
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110 kr
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