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Crystal healer - crystal prescriptions that will change your life forever

Crystal therapy has long been used as a gentle system of holistic healing. By drawing on the unique qualities of crystals such as quartz and amethyst, you can balance the energy fields around your body, home and office to bring well-being, and gain health benefits.
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150 kr

Crystal healing for the heart - gemstone therapy for physical, emotional, a

A gemstone-supported healing journey guided by your heart • Offers hands-on exercises and meditations with more than 60 gemstones and minerals, each a specific heart-healing stone • Explores the anatomy of the physical heart and its spiritual symbolism • Shows how your heart is itself a sensory organ and coordinator of your energy field • Explains how to fortify your heart with ...
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200 kr

Crystal Healing For Women

Believed to hold restorative powers over our health, crystals have served humanity for millennia. With CRYSTAL HEALING FOR WOMEN, you can unlock the ancient secrets of healing and wisdom held within these stones. Crystal healer and Reiki Master, Mariah K.
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100 kr

Crystal Power

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110 kr

Crystal Reiki Healing

Discover how to use crystals in conjunction with Reiki healing for a powerful, holistic therapy that will improve your health and quality of life.
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130 kr

Crystal Rhythms

Mankind has been fascinated with the properties of crystals and gemstones throughout history—and for more than their beauty! This basic reference guide explores the usage and benefits of 80 crystals and gemstones, touching on attracting love or prosperity, instilling courage, lessening the effects of stress, and even shielding your spirit from negative energies.
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160 kr

Crystal Tips And Cures

Explore the amazing world of crystal power with this guide to 101 crystals that you can work with for health, harmony and happiness.
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140 kr


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160 kr

Crystals for Energy Protection

We face more challenges than ever before: our bodies are attacked by pollutants, technology is taking a toll on our mental wellbeing--and the boss is really stressing you out! To protect ourselves from these energetic attacks, we can use crystals to heal, protect, and strengthen our energy shield.
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120 kr

Crystals Made Easy

Crystal healing and therapy is experiencing an incredible new resurgence as it enters the mainstream, yet Judy Hall, internationally recognized crystal expert, has been pioneering crystal work for over 45 years.
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110 kr

Crystals: A complete guide to crystals and color healing

A complete guide to collecting and using crystals, covering their meaning, physical characteristics, and healing properties. Crystals divides the earth’s most significant minerals into twenty color bands and explores the meaning and healing qualities of each color ray alongside the properties of the stones
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130 kr

Cunninghams book of shadows - the path of an american traditionalist

Llewellyn is pleased to present a new Scott Cunningham book--a long-lost Book of Shadows. Recently discovered in a battered manila envelope, this previously unpublished manuscript was penned by Scott in the late 1970s or early 1980s. This rare book includes original spells, rituals, and invocations and an herbal grimoire.
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160 kr

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen

There's a reason caviar has a reputation as a love food, but a little vanilla or peppermint can work wonders too! You'll savor mushrooms like never before after experiencing their intuitive-raising effects, and a munch of celery will resonate with new meaning as it boosts your sexual desire and psychic awareness.
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180 kr

Cunningham's Guide to Hawaiian Magic & Spirituality

Stunning power lies at the heart of the Hawaiian islands. With unparalleled beauty and a rich sense of tradition, Hawai'i is truly a world apart?a magnificent culture unmatched in its modes of spiritual expression.
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160 kr

Cutting the Ties That Bind: Growing Up and Moving on

Shows how the Arthurian legend may be structured into a workable mystery system, comprised of three primary grades of attainment. The book concludes with an exploration of the Greater Mysteries.
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130 kr

Daily Inspiration from Wayne Dyer 2018 Calendar

Based on Wayne Dyer's New York Times bestselling book Inspiration, this calendar is filled with specifics for living an inspired life. From a very personal viewpoint, Dyer offers a blueprint through the world of spirit to inspiration, your ultimate calling.
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110 kr

Daily Magic

We all could use a little magic in our daily lives. But while the year is filled with mystical dates, we don't always know when and how to celebrate them. By knowing and preparing for these special days we can use their inherent power to change our lives. DAILY MAGIC is a perpetual calendar focused on days of spiritual and magical significance.
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230 kr

Dalai lama quotes book

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100 kr

David wells psychic secrets

In his latest incredible work, former Most Haunted presenter David Wells examines real life experiences to uncover the extraordinary truth behind psychic events.
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85 kr

Dawn Of The Akashic Age : New Consciousness, Quantum Resonance, and the Future of the World

The world is changing. The transition from the mechanistic worldview to one that recognises the interconnectedness of all life is upon us. It is the dawning of the Akashic Age. The Akashic field that connects the universe is now recognised by cutting-edge science. What we know about communication, energy and consciousness is rapidly evolving in tandem with the new quantum worldview.
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160 kr

De dolda åren

Det kanske största mediet på 1800-talet var Edgar Cayce. Han levde i USA och kunde under ett sömnliknande tillstånd berätta om både förfluten tid, nutid och framtid. Där finns att läsa en hel del om den tid då Jesus levde på jorden. Med utgångspunkt från dessa readingar men även med hjälp av annat material vill den här boken ge en bild av den störste Mästare som någonsin levt på jorden.
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170 kr

Delfinkontakt : att leva mångdimensionellt

Joan Ocean lever på Hawaii och simmar dagligen med vilda delfiner sedan cirka tio år tillbaka. Samvaron och kommunikationen med delfiner och valar ger henne upplevelser som frigör och vidgar sinnena för ny kunskap och nya tankeformer. Genom delfinernas anspråkslöshet och förfining länkas hon till Kärlekens oändliga visdom.
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149 kr 110 kr

Den fullständiga guiden till yin yang : en illustrativ upptäcktsresa genom det kinesiska konceptet om motsatser, balans och harmoni

Välkommen till den första boken någonsin som tar ett omfattande grepp om det dynamiska konceptet yinyang. Författaren Antony Cummins utforskar det utifrån en mängd relevanta perspektiv och på ett lättillgängligt sätt med många illustrationer avslöjar han djupet och insikterna i denna uråldriga visdom. För dig som är intresserad av daoism, alternativmedicin och andra österländska traditioner.
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220 kr
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