Written by internationally renowned cognitive psychologist Shlomo Breznitz and technologist Collins Hemingway, Maximum Brainpower is filled with colourful real-life stories and fascinating psychological experiments that show you how to make the most of your grey matter.
One of the hottest spiritual voices around gives her definitive take on the way to wholeness and happiness
From the popular and exciting author of Spirit Junkie and Add More ~Ing to Your Life comes May Cause Miracles, a practical and fun six-week diet of the mind for transforming fear into love and discovering true and lasting happiness.
Matteo Pistono travelled to the Indian Himalayas over twenty years ago to study meditation, and has since become one of the go-to authentic experts on the subject. In Meditation Made Easy, he takes this highly popular topic and teaches the reader how to get started with meditation, build up a practice at home and use it to conquer today's stresses and challenges.
Innehåller över 100 inspirerande meditationsövningar för folk i farten
Meditation minskar stress, skapar inre lugn och helande, förbättrar våra relationer och ger oss andlig förnyelse och en känsla av välbefinnande. De flesta meditationsböcker börjar med teorin och fortsätter sedan till praktiken, men här gör du tvärtom och kastar dig rakt ut i avslappningsövningar och sedan i själva meditat
A straightforward, introductory guide to connecting with the spirit world, developing your psychic skills and using your gifts to help others. Written by one of the world's best-known mediums, this book introduces the practice of mediumship and teaches a plethora of techniques to help you develop your mediumship skills.
Att det är viktigt att andas är ingen nyhet. Men få av oss är medvetna om att HUR vi andas de ca påverkar varje liten del av vårt liv, Vi andas för snabbt, för ytligt, för mycket och för ofta eller så håller vi andan. Det är väldigt ineffektivt och är ungefär som att köra bil med handbromsen litet åtdragen. Vi kommer dit vi ska, men det går åt mer bränsle och slitaget på bilen ökar.
Et dybdeborende billede af gudsbegrebet, vi møder det altomfattende og alle steds nærværende Guddommelige Noget og får en fremstilling af den evige, kosmiske verdensorden, illustrerende livet, tilværelsen, evolutionen, udødelighed m.m. – inkl. en rationel redegørelse for religionernes gudsbegreb og besvarende de store eksistentielle spørgsmål.
This book holds the key to decoding the secret messages in the numbers you notice around you – those repeating patterns on your phone, alarm, computer screen or the digital clock in your car and even in significant dates, your house number or the number plates on the cars you drive past.
Welcome to the meditation technique that you've been looking for. With MIND CALM you will learn how to let go of the constant chatter in your mind, gain clarity, perform at your best, worry less, ...
Bardacke, a pioneering nurse-midwife and founder of the University of California San Francisco's Mindful-Based Childbirth Preparation course, provides expectant families everywhere with the tools ...
Mindfulness is a powerful antidote to the stresses of modern life and teaches us how to be still in the present moment, to pay attention to ourselves and our surroundings and cultivate peaceful clarity and openness.
In this new book, Marie-Claire builds on the fantastic results that readers achieved by providing robust tools to ensure that they can maintain these results and that their finances continue to flourish.
Now, through the magick of Moon Spells, you can learn how to use its energies to achieve your desire--whether it's a joyful romance, a successful career, or superb physical and emotional health
The bestselling authors of "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" show you and your partner how to:
Experience intense multiple whole-body orgasms
Pleasure each other profoundly
Use sexuality for health and healing
Deepen your love and spiritual relationship
Couples will discover simple step-by-step techniques for a level of sexual pleasure, intimacy, and healing they may not have known was possible.
En ny världskultur håller på att födas. Orientering om grunddragen i den kosmiska världsstrukturen. Vetenskapen kommer att utvecklas till "kärleksvetenskap". En framtida demokratisk världsregering blir nödvändig som garant för freden och humana förhållanden för alla.
Happiness is the ultimate goal for so many of us, but why does it often feel like a destination that's completely unreachable?
Everybody wants a better life, yet for so long we have been looking in all the wrong places and directing our focus outwards for solutions that can only be found on the inside.
I sin första bok Hur man Pratar med Djur bekräftade Penelope Smith det som många av oss hade hoppats på - att vi verkligen kan kommunicera med våra vänner djuren. I När Djuren Talar fördjupas denna kunskap ytterligare när sensationella sanningar förmedlas direkt av djuren. Du får läsa om hur djuren uppfattar sig själva, vad de tycker om oss människor och sina liv här på jorden, hur de väljer sina
Sometimes we can lose touch with ourselves so much that we don't even know we have done so, until suddenly we realize with a start that we have just been going through the motions, without really experiencing our lives.
This is a new edition of the much-loved perennial meditation diary whose messages radiate spiritual wisdom, encouragement and serenity throughout the year. It provides messages of spiritual insight and guidance for every day of the year from Eileen Caddy, co-founder of the Findhorn Community and offers specific suggestions for your daily spiritual growth and development.
Since ancient times, divination has been an important tool for seeking guidance from the gods. Fortunately, several ancient divination systems are available to us today. The Oracles of Apollo shows how to use two surviving divination systems—the Alphabet Oracle (dating from early third century Greek culture) and the Counsels of the Seven Sages, which were inscribed on tablets at the Temple of ...
In Out of the Darkness, bestselling author Steve Taylor tells the stories of more than 30 people who have undergone permanent spiritual awakening after intense trauma and turmoil in their lives.
OUT OF YOUR HANDS provides a complete guide to deciphering all aspects of the hand: its shape, palmar lines and fingerprints. Beleta not only provides practical interpretations such as personality traits and relationship prospects, but, also, discusses the markings on the hand that provide mystic insights.
Pause Button Therapy® is a proven, innovative and interactive new therapy technique that allows you to do exactly this, empowering you to break out of negative habits and unconscious responses.