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Mystikens Visdom

Ärkeänglar, gudinnor, andedjur, älvor och underbara varelser från mystikens värld lämnar upplyftande budskap och välmenande goda råd för att hjälpa dig att ta dig genom livets alla utmaningar och återfå livsglädjen.
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399 kr 350 kr

Månologi - För manifestering

I tusentals år har månen varit vår ständiga följeslagare. Hon uppmuntrar oss att ta vara på möjligheterna som vi får och hjälper oss att släppa taget om det som håller oss tillbaka. Använd de här vackra, kosmiska orakelkorten för att stärka dina manifesteringskrafter och lära dig att dra till dig allt du önskar dig. Skapad av Yasmin Boland en av våra största auktoriteter inom månens astrologi.
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399 kr


Den kompletta guiden till människans anatomi
En illustrerad guide till kroppens struktur, funktion och sjukdomar. Med hjälp av hundratals 3D-illustrationer går boken igenom kroppens anatomi och funktioner med anmärkningsvärd tydlighet och detaljrikedom. En grundläggande interaktiv manual som passar såväl både studenter som vårdpersonal och även uppslagsbok för familjen.
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230 kr

Never go back (with bonus novella high heat) - a jack reacher novel

Former military cop Jack Reacher makes it all the way from snowbound South Dakota to his destination in northeastern Virginia, near Washington, D.C.: the headquarters of his old unit, the 110th MP. The old stone building is the closest thing to a home he ever had.

Reacher is there to meetin personthe new commanding officer, Major Susan Turner, so far just a warm, intriguing voice
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100 kr

Pan pipes play the music of The Beatles

Underbar musik med panflöjt, efter Beatles låtar.
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110 kr 28 kr


NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER Jack Reacher returns in the latest fast-moving, action-packed, suspenseful book from Lee Child.
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85 kr

Secrets from chuckling goat - how a herd of goats saved my family and start

Shann Jones never expected to fall in love with a Welsh farmer at the age of 41. She didn't anticipate leaving her city-girl existence as a radio talk show host in San Francisco to end up running a 25-acre self-sustaining farm in Wales.
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140 kr

Självkänsla på djupet : en terapi för att reparera negativa självbilder

"'Negativ självkänsla spelar en avgörande roll i våra liv
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75 kr


Ensam, på en bänk i Aten sitter William och undrar om han har blivit helt galen? Jag har lämnat mitt hem, min familj och alla jag känner. Jag är ensam i en stad jag aldrig har varit i och jag vet inte ens vad jag skall göra här? Han skakar sitt huvud och konstaterar; allt detta för hon bad mig, allt detta för en dröm…
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150 kr

Spa & Wellness 3

Det senaste albumet i Spa & Wellness serien innehåller helt ny musik, som aldrig tidigare har varit utgiven - med Roger Ekelund, Pushkar och Ageha.
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110 kr 39 kr

The Couple Next Door

It all started at a dinner party. . . A domestic suspense debut about a young couple and their apparently friendly neighborsa twisty, rollercoaster ride of lies, betrayal, and the secrets between husbands and wives. . . Anne and Marco Conti seem to have it alla loving relationship, a wonderful home, and their beautiful baby, Cora. But one night, when they are at a dinner party next door, a terribl
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65 kr

The Druid Animal Oracle

THE DRUID ANIMAL ORACLE is a powerful tool for selfdevelopment. This beautifully illustrated deck draws wisdom from the wellspring of ancient Celtic tradition, and from it you can receive healing, strength and guidance for your own life journey.
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250 kr


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340 kr

The Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck/Book Set [With Book]

A deck and book set, based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, that unites tarot archetypes with the fantastic realm of Middle-earth. Rules included for a card game in which players journey to Middle-earth to destroy the One Ring.
4 i lager
750 kr

The Storm Before the Calm

Something happened in early 2011 that hasn't happened in decades, perhaps centuries-and we didn't even notice it. That is, we didn't see it for what it was. Massive unrest from Tunisia to Egypt to Libya rocked the Arab world and threw the globe into political crisis.
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200 kr

Thetahealing (r) diseases and disorders

The perfect reference tool for those already familiar with the step-by-step processes of ThetaHealing,
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210 kr

Transcendence - healing and transformation through transcendental meditatio

Norman E. Rosenthal, brings us the most important work on Transcendental Meditation since the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Science of Being and Art of Living - and one of our generation's most significant books on achieving greater physical and mental health and wellness.
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160 kr

Tropical Tradewinds

Tropical Tradewinds Sounds of Nature
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110 kr 28 kr

Turn Autism Around

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100 kr

Vegan in the House

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170 kr

Vill ha mer : om barn, tid och konsumtion

Hur ska jag orka? Det känns som vår tids avgörande fråga. Den vi
alla ställer oss, barn som vuxna. Den som håller oss vakna på nät-terna.
Den som gör att vi blir sjuka.
Vi springer runt i en allt snabbare rundgång av arbete, stress och
konsumtion. De allt högre konsumtionskraven slukar allt mer
pengar vilket kräver allt mer arbete. Hela yrkeskårer arbetar med
att öka vår ko
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15 kr

Working With Your Chakras: A Physical, Emotional & Spiritual

This clearly written book brings esoteric chakra knowledge into a Western perspective. Connecting with this energy system enables growth, healing and balance to take place in all areas of your being ...
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180 kr

Yoga Cats Deck & Book Set

Yoga Cats Deck & Book Set features the delightful animal photography and clever digital craft of Dan Borris. The set includes 44 cards and a full color 96-page guidebook that explains the yoga poses and their benefits. Also provided are step-by-step instructions for practicing each yoga pose along with insightful messages.
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160 kr

Yoga Dream

Music created for gentle yoga and designed to relax the mind and body with warm piano, crystal bowls, native flute and nature sounds.
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140 kr

Yoga is Union

The music sensation that has ignited New York City's yoga scene is now available for everyone. Yoga Is Union is masterfully composed and designed to complement all yoga practices. Colletti delivers a perfectly balanced album that is upbeat enough to keep you energized, yet also serene enough to shift you into a state of peaceful, open receptivity.
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95 kr

Yoga Wisdom

About 20 million Americans are practicing some form of Yoga. Yet the original purpose of Yoga as a path to inner freedom and enlightenment is embodied by only a few students in the West. Yoga Wisdom introduces this growing market to the endangered mental and spiritual disciplines of this ancient philosophy for living.
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199 kr 45 kr

Änglarnas medicin : hela kropp och själ med hjälp av änglarna

När Doreen Virtue besökte den grekiska ön Santorini blev hon kontaktad av en grupp kraftfulla änglar som kallade sig Atlantis änglar.
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75 kr
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