It all started at a dinner party. . . A domestic suspense debut about a young couple and their apparently friendly neighborsa twisty, rollercoaster ride of lies, betrayal, and the secrets between husbands and wives. . . Anne and Marco Conti seem to have it alla loving relationship, a wonderful home, and their beautiful baby, Cora. But one night, when they are at a dinner party next door, a terribl
THE DRUID ANIMAL ORACLE is a powerful tool for selfdevelopment. This beautifully illustrated deck draws wisdom from the wellspring of ancient Celtic tradition, and from it you can receive healing, strength and guidance for your own life journey.
A deck and book set, based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, that unites tarot archetypes with the fantastic realm of Middle-earth. Rules included for a card game in which players journey to Middle-earth to destroy the One Ring.
Something happened in early 2011 that hasn't happened in decades, perhaps centuries-and we didn't even notice it. That is, we didn't see it for what it was. Massive unrest from Tunisia to Egypt to Libya rocked the Arab world and threw the globe into political crisis.
The Witches' Wisdom Tarot brings users into the heart of what it means to be a Witch, a wise one who lives with reverence for the land, for life, and for the magic that flows through us. Radiant with numinous energy and magical imagery, this deck is a doorway for everyone who wishes to encounter the Sacred - in realms of Spirit, embodied by Nature and residing within our hearts.
Norman E. Rosenthal, brings us the most important work on Transcendental Meditation since the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Science of Being and Art of Living - and one of our generation's most significant books on achieving greater physical and mental health and wellness.
Fifty years ago, the Manhattan Project of money management was quietly assembled in the financial industry's backwaters, unified by the heretical idea that even many of the world's finest investors couldn't beat the market in the long run.
For years, rumors of the "Marsh Girl" have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl. But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived for years alone in the marsh that she calls home, finding friends in the gulls and lessons
Hur ska jag orka? Det känns som vår tids avgörande fråga. Den vi
alla ställer oss, barn som vuxna. Den som håller oss vakna på nät-terna.
Den som gör att vi blir sjuka.
Vi springer runt i en allt snabbare rundgång av arbete, stress och
konsumtion. De allt högre konsumtionskraven slukar allt mer
pengar vilket kräver allt mer arbete. Hela yrkeskårer arbetar med
att öka vår ko
THE VOLTAGE EFFECT explores why some ideas succeed while others fail to scale. Highlighting the importance of achieving "high voltage," List identifies five vital signs that make an idea replicable. Drawing on research and real-world examples, he offers strategies for maximizing impact across various sectors, emphasizing that understanding scaling can drive meaningful change in society.
This clearly written book brings esoteric chakra knowledge into a Western perspective. Connecting with this energy system enables growth, healing and balance to take place in all areas of your being ...
Yoga Cats Deck & Book Set features the delightful animal photography and clever digital craft of Dan Borris. The set includes 44 cards and a full color 96-page guidebook that explains the yoga poses and their benefits. Also provided are step-by-step instructions for practicing each yoga pose along with insightful messages.
The music sensation that has ignited New York City's yoga scene is now available for everyone. Yoga Is Union is masterfully composed and designed to complement all yoga practices. Colletti delivers a perfectly balanced album that is upbeat enough to keep you energized, yet also serene enough to shift you into a state of peaceful, open receptivity.
About 20 million Americans are practicing some form of Yoga. Yet the original purpose of Yoga as a path to inner freedom and enlightenment is embodied by only a few students in the West. Yoga Wisdom introduces this growing market to the endangered mental and spiritual disciplines of this ancient philosophy for living.
Ärkeängeln Mikael erbjuder beskydd och vänskap till alla som ber honom om det. Healer, krigare och väktare Mikael är den som bringar fred och bekämpar mörker. I den här upplysande och upplyftande boken visar Doreen Virtue hur Mikael för med sig harmoni till människor överallt, i alla situationer och på alla tänkbara sätt. Här finns även sanna berättelser om hur Mikael skyddar mä
I din hand håller du en örtbok, ett uppslagsverk, en handbok och en guide.
Vår önskan är att den här boken ska öppna upp för nya möjligheter och vägar,
både för dig som är ny i örternas värld och för dig som är en trogen örtvän.