"A passionately felt, deeply poetic book. It has philosophy. It has humor. It has its share of nerve-tingling adventures...set down in a lean, racing prose, in a close-knit style of power and beauty.
An original coloring book for all ages The Hip Hop Coloring Book is a fun activity book for kids and adults, and the latest in Dokument Press s popular Coloring Book series. The book features a selection of Mark 563 s own illustrative takes on some of Hip Hop s most important figures, ready to be colored in.
Timelessness and simplicity are words commonly used to describe Ingegerd Råmans pottery and glass creations. Her work celebrates time-honoured forms she has consciously chosen to develop and refine: Function and aesthetic expression are indissolubly combined and human needs serve as their self-evident starting point. As Råman puts it, My objects do not come properly to life until they are used. Ph
Ett måste för alla båtologer! Maritim uppslagsbok som i text och bild listar svenskflaggade handelsfartyg, svenska hel- eller delägda handelsfartyg under utländsk flagg, fiskefartyg och segelfartyg. Årets utgåva av SMI är den 37:e.
Drawing is all about learning to really see the world around you and to translate it on to paper. In this book, author Vivienne Coleman shows how you can use just a few simple strokes, shapes and shades to draw almost any subject you like, from a piece of fruit to a detailed landscape.
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