Williamson looks at weight loss from a spiritual perspective, offering 21 lessons that can be done separately or in conjunction with any other serious spiritual path.
En komplett Gör-Det-Själv-bibel om graffiti! Graffiti Cookbook är en guide till de material och tekniker som används i dagens mest kreativa och progressiva konströrelse. I bilder och ett dussintal intervjuer med några av världens mest kända konstnärer visas hur graffitin skapas, från spraytekniker och handstilar till verktyg och stilanalys.
For more than forty years, Ann Wigmore, founder of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute and internationally acclaimed holistic health educator, taught that what we eat profoundly affects our health. She was among the first to note that our modern diet of “convenience food” was the prime cause of illness and obesity, and she offered a positive alternative.
The secret to sustainable weight loss isn't counting calories or depriving yourself at the dinner table. Jean Fain tells us it's about cultivating awareness and self-acceptance wherever you are.
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