The Modern Medieval Tarot is the creation of artists Shayn Amber Whetherell and Tim Whetherell. Shayn Amber is a digital artist and Tim is a sculptor. As a result, these images reflect a unique blend of modern and traditional techniques.
Andromeda, Pegasus, Perseus, Orion, Ursa Major and so many other constellations have been turned into extraordinary dragons. Altair, Sirius, Vega, Antares, Aldebaran and so many other known stars have taken shape as warriors, knights and creatures, side by side to the Dragons. It is a book where magic threads over the unknown and cosmic wonders, in a journey of colour and ink.
The Tarot de los Angeles is a Spanish-published deck, with 78 cards and an unusual structure relating to the groups of angels, archangels, faeries, gnomes and seraphim.
Inspired by the original tarot card game played in the south of France, this deck features elemental suits and stunning design features that provide a truly unique gaming experience. This is a fascinating card game to play among friends and a beautiful deck of cards that belongs in every collection. This deck is not specifically designed with tarot reading in mind