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Life Ahead: On Learning & The Search For Meaning

"Life Ahead" presents lessons that move far beyond the traditional forms of education taught in most schools and colleges. Drawn from transcripts of talks given to Indian students, the book covers a wide range of universal topics.
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180 kr

Life on Earth

Bestselling author Mike Dooley has always taught that the first step in changing our lives is to understand the nature of our very presence here on earth - the truth about who we are, how we got here and the power we wield.
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100 kr

Life, Death And Love: Shakespeare'S Great Tragedies & A Course In Miracles (4 Vols; Slipcased)

The characters of these tragedies, King Lear, Hamlet, Macbeth, and Othello, speak to all of us; indeed they are all of us. As the commentary in these four volumes reveals, their motivations and feelings are different aspects of the thought system of specialness we all share; and had these characters chosen the path of compassion and forgiveness, the thought system of healing we all likewise share…
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290 kr

Lilla boken om vänskap

När kärleken kraschlandar, livet krånglar till sig och molnen hopar sig i tillvaron är det svårt att klara sig utan vänner.
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25 kr

Lillian toos 168 ways to declutter your home - and re-energize your life

Clear the clutter and revitalize your living space. Energy is a precious commodity--the source of vitality, good relationships, and peace of mind. The 168 techniques in this practical guide show how physical clutter is more than just junk--the debris in our home actually creates mental and spiritual blocks to success.
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150 kr

Litet Aum tecken i silver

Litet Aum-hänge i silver, ca 15 x 25 mm inklusive öglan. Auim anses vara det ljud som skapat och skapar hela universum. Det skrivs på detta sätt på sanskrit. Ljudet och tecknet hjälper människan att försätta sig i ett meditativt, avslappnat tillstånd.
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120 kr

Little Book Of Quitting

The Little Book of Quitting crystallizes 120 key points of the Easyway™ method in a concise and readily accessible format. Carr’s method can enable any smoker to quit easily, painlessly, and permanently without needing willpower, suffering withdrawal pangs, feeling deprived, or gaining weight.
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65 kr

Little pocket book of crystal tips and cures

Let the energy of crystals transform your life with this handy illustrated guide Beautiful, mesmeric, tactile, and easily available, crystals are natural and powerful tools for bringing health, wealth, love, success, and spiritual harmony into your life. This illustrated guide introduces 101 crystals, uniquely arranged in 12 sections by color, for easy identification.
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150 kr

Little pocket book of meditation - with step-by-step, 5-10 minute guided me

Trying to find a work/life balance can be exhausting, which means we are always looking for ways to release tension and relax. Meditation is the perfect solution! People often worry that to meditate properly they need to sit for hours in cold and empty rooms, but in The Little Pocket Book of Meditation Stephanie Brookes sweeps aside these outdated stereotypes.
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85 kr

Livet deluxe

De två tidigare delarna av Jens Lapidus trilogi Stockholm Noir har filmatiserats och rönt stora framgångar. Nu är den sista delen bioaktuell, den här gången i regi av Jens Jonsson men fortfarande med Joel Kinnaman som JW och Matias Varela som Jorge.

JW har inte förspillt sin tid på kåken. Han planerar en storstilad comeback.

Jorge har tröttnat på att försöka leva heder

9 i lager
75 kr

LIVING A LIFE OF GRATITUDE: Your Journey To Grace, Joy & Healing

The awe and wonder of life is now ever present. Through 88 illuminating short stories, Living a Life of Gratitude will help you slow down, look around, and see your life for what it is. From our first breaths to our last, Sara Wiseman explores the landmarks of human experience: that we are able to be children and have children, that we can learn and love!
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100 kr

Livskraft i vardagen : med inspiration av Ayurveda

Hitta ett liv i balans!

Alla har vi erfarenhet av stress, oro och otillräcklighet som fått oss att tappa motivation och livslust. I den här boken får du hjälp och inspiration att hitta din egen väg till ett liv i harmoni och balans med hjälp av en livskunskap som har sitt ursprung i den mycket gamla indiska filosofin ayurveda.

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85 kr

Llewellyn's Witches' Calendar 2010 (12" X 12")

Enchanting original artwork, provocative ideas, fresh modes of magic-it's all inside "Llewellyn's 2010 Witches' Calendar". Each month you'll find inspiring articles by both well-known writers and fresh voices in the Wiccan/Pagan community.
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130 kr 25 kr

Loser-Göran & Terapeuten

Falkenbergs största loser heter Göran Noway och nu hotar ex-terapeuten Sten-Ingvar att publicera en bok om alla katastrofer. Göran har inget val, han måste fimpa mannen. När han lär känna den karismatiska socialchefen Bo Hank, ser det ut som hans otur är på väg att vända. Bo Hank är en reko kamrat och allt det som Göran önskar att han själv var. “En bok så galen att den välter bokhyllorna!”
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210 kr

Lost & Found

One spring morning, Kathryn Schulz went to lunch with a stranger and fell in love. Having spent years looking for the right relationship, she was dazzled by how swiftly everything changed when she finally met her future wife. But as the two of them began building a life together, Schulz’s beloved father went into the hospital with a minor heart condition
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100 kr

Lotusprocessen: 10 kort

Den här vackra kortsamlingen stödjer, inspirerar och stärker dig under processen med att bli fri från dina inre negativa tankemönster. Dra ett kort, ta ett djupt andetag, och låt kortens visdomsord omfamna din själ och ditt väsen. 10 kort i fyrfärg av hög kvalitet.
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55 kr 45 kr

Lucky Night: A Novel

Ännu ej utkommen. Förväntas skickas under v 14 2025
130 kr


Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet?

Carey Browne jobbar som flygledare på Dublins flygplats och är van vid att hantera oförutsedda händelser. Så när Ben Russel, en man hon känt i bara fem minuter, friar, tar hon hand om situationen lika lugnt som vanligt - och tackar ja! Till hennes vänners skräckblandade förtjusning...

Trots vännernas tveksamhet och ett kyligt mottagande fr
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75 kr

Luka and the Fire of Life

With the same dazzling imagination and love of language that have made Salman Rushdie one of the great storytellers of our time, Luka and the Fire of Life revisits a magic-infused, intricate world.
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55 kr

Magic Presence (I Am Discourses, Vol.Ii)

This volume contains the author's second group of experiences with Beloved Saint Germain. These experiences were the result of his applying the knowledge he had previously learned, as described in Unveiled Mysteries.
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280 kr

Magnificent Africa: Animals, Birds, Plants, Landscapes (130

For more than two decades, wildlife photographer Tom Schandy has been crisscrossing the African landscape, recording its incomparable beauty and capturing unguarded moments in the lives of its animals.
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400 kr

Make Your Own Rules Cookbook

Ännu ej utkommen. Förväntas skickas under v 1 2079
120 kr
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