
The Happypreneur : An emotional perspective on success

A rebellious, human-centered perspective on entrepreneurship.
EAN: 9789198562200
Lagerstatus: I lager
190 kr
18 kr

The Happypreneur is the story of how Carolina Jonnor established Trust as a business model and how that enabled Jonnor to make a living while working few hours and without signing a single agreement or making a single cold call. This book is the permanent burial of settling for less and an authentic and loving celebration of the gig economy.

Explore the art of business kintsugi, or how to find what is broken in your industry and mend it with gold. Learn how to establish the mutual choice in relationships with clients changes everything in the sales process. The book will walk you through how you can build a business family based solely on people who have it in their core to pay it forward and how that will end all cold calling or standardized sales. Explore how to make courage a habit to the extent that you are no longer considering risk in your choices at all, only what is true to yourself and your own purpose.

The Happypreneur is a personal manifesto on constantly renewing yourself and your business based on what you need to further develop and daring to be the impostor by not settling for anything defined by society or other people.

Utgiven 2019-10-01
Mediatyp Danskt band
Författare Carolina Jonnor
Omslagsformgivare Jason Banks
Förlag Swenglit Publishing AB
Artikelkod 89272
Mått 142 x 210 x 18 mm
Redaktör Ronja Bromander
Vikt 263 g
Språk Engelska
Sidantal 191
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